Internet celebrates it 25th birthday today!
The Internet celebrates it 25th anniversary on Tuesday, August 23, 2016. On this date in 1991, the World Wide Web, created and deployed by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, was first made accessible to the public. The site, created by Sir Tim, was a basic text page with hyperlinked words that connected to other pages. Sir Tim, referring to the motivation behind the technology that dominates the life in the 21st century had said that the project was started with the simple philosophy of providing free academic information to everyone.
The first step in making this noble philosophy a reality happened on August 6, 1991, as Sir Tim launched the first ever web page from his NeXT computer system in Geneva at CERN’s headquarters. Sir Tim wrote down the HyperText Transfer Protocol (HTTP), which showed how information was to transfer between computer systems and the HyperText Markup Language (HTML), which was later used to create the first web page. The URL of the first website was, which had basic instructions about the working of the web. Earlier in 2013, CERN had reinstated the page to its original address. In 1980, Sir Tim created a database of people and software models at CERN, where he also deployed the hypertext, linking each page tp another existing page.
The first web page went live on August 6, 1991, at which point it was only made accessible to the users at CERN. The same year, on August 23, new users from outside CERN were invited to join the web, marking the first anniversary of the internet. In April 1993, CERN announced the decision to make the code, royalty free. Sir Tim explained that if the technology had not been made royalty-free and was under his complete control, it would not have taken off as a global phenomenon. He said that it wouldn’t have been wise to propose something to be a universal space and have had complete control over it. Though he thinks that the internet still has loads of room for improvement, it cannot be denied that the web has achieved some great milestones in its 25 years of existence. Around 3.17 billion people use or have access to the internet at last count in 2015, which is 40% of the world’s 7.4 billion population. Almost half of those people are on Facebook and more than 3 million emails are sent every second.
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